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Class tos.Kernel


public final class Kernel
extends Object
The directory stored in the system property user.home should contain the file .tosrc. This file should contain at least the following definitions:
 tos.port=<TCP/IP port number>
 tos.skey=<Secret key string (up to 256 bytes are applicable)>
Note: The file .tosrc should definitely not be readable by other users.

$Id:,v 1.1 2000/11/16 15:49:41 lauvset Exp $
Kåre Jørgen Lauvset []

Method Index

 o main(String[])
This method contains the TOS server loop.


 o main
 public static synchronized void main(String args[])
This method contains the TOS server loop. It does not return until the thread executing the method is interrupted. After being interrupted, it may not return for maximum 5 seconds.

The kernel can be started from the command line by issuing a command like:

   jre -cp <path> [-Duser.home=<dir>] tos.Kernel
Also, the kernel can be started from within another application by calling the main function like:

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